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Im using the fast grow farming modlet , and Im using the farming modlet , how do I make the farming modlets crops work under fast growth? I thought I had it figured out but it caused an error.


If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be very greatful :)


Isnt it as simple as editing the crops growth value from the modlet or is there something even easier like a line I can add to the fast grow modlet maybe .

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Both farming modlets are similar Jayic's and Statis's on the place where the new farming crops extend from ....


Example from Jayic's mod is .....



<block name="Sugar Seedling">
		<property name="Extends" value="cropsGrowingMaster" />
                        <property name="PlantGrowing.GrowthRate" value="63.0"/>



So I would look for the farming modlet seed crops that extend from cropsGrowingMaster and change the growth rate there for each crop.


The faster growth modlet you have installed may just target the cropsGrowingMaster block similar to this


<set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='cropsGrowingMaster']/property[@name='PlantGrowing.GrowthRate']/@value">33.0</set>



But the farming mods have the growth rate set for each new crop, this may be because sometimes 'extends' does not always carry over the value to the new blocks .



You could try commenting out the 'PlantGrowing.GrowthRate' in each new crop and then possibly the value set by the faster growth modlet could apply and reduce growth time .. but theres probably a reason that Statis and Jayic have specified for each , it could be they want to leave it open to adjust rates individually for each of thier new crops.



Hope this Helps


Ragsy !!

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Right I don't mind doing the edit to each number but what should I be setting it at to match is the question :(


Well 63 is the default for PlantGrowing.GrowthRate on cropsGrowingMaster I dont not know which faster growth modlet you where using but


setting at 30-33 roughly halves the time to grow the crops and so on ...


HH has a modlet for replanting trees, on destroy tree it plants a new tree seed ... if that helps https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?109893-Highope-s-Modlets&highlight=highhope


Ragsy !!

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