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I need Help :-)


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Hello, I wanted to improve the spikes a little on my server: say more life.

I have it with



<set xpath="/materials/material[@id=MtrapSpikesWood]/property[@name=MaxDamage]/@value">500</set>

<set xpath="/materials/material[@id=MtrapSpikesIron]/property[@name=MaxDamage]/@value">1000</set>



but somehow, zero changes. Vlt someone has an idea what I'm doing wrong and can give me a hint.

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Your code is modifying the health of the blocks affected by the material you're changing, i.e.: how much damage they can take from players and enemies until the blocks are destroyed. Is this what you intended?


If you are trying to increase how much damage these traps do, you want to modify the blocks directly:



<set xpath="/blocks/block[@name=trapSpikesWoodMaster]/property[@name=Damage]/@value">66</set>

<set xpath="/blocks/block[@name=trapSpikesScrapIronMaster]/property[@name=Damage]/@value">66</set>

<set xpath="/blocks/block[@name=trapSpikesNew]/property[@name=Damage]/@value">10</set>



This example doubles the damage of all spikes in the game.

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