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So...who wants melee to be more consistent?

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I would consider making a mod where you don't swing behind a zombie with a sledge if you're too close. It's a bit silly, really. Zombie can hit and be hit from further away than any 1st person game I've played, so my instincts are off, and when I am too close, I hit whatever it behind the zombie. This sweet-spot melee combat style shouldn't be very hard to fix.


What do you guys think?

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I say we take a bigger hint from Dying Light and just give weapons arcs that they swing through, but make the difference between hitting an enemy with the crosshair and "grazing" them much less significant. Also, working on distances as you mentioned, while teaching the game to ignore certain objects. Back in the day, it used to suck hitting crawling zombies because the grass would get in the way. These days, similar things still happen, though no examples spring to mind atm.

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