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Invisibility and friendly zombies


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wearing this googles gives you super power.


-If you don't crouch : Zombies are friendly followers and they will try to jump on your head. Not intended, but quite funny.

Be aware: they may bite sometimes... and they will destroy things to say hello.


-If you crouch, you will keep a good walking speed, and your location is unknown to zombies (you are invisible).

Edit: While zombies cant detect you, they will detect sounds and try to go where the sound has been made.


Reason of this mod:


I don't like how zombies detect you so easily even if you are well hidden in your base and you don't make a lot of noise.

Because I play with mods that spawn a lot of Z's, I couldn't have a rest.


This is clearly overpowered, so I only use it when I want to chill in my super bunker.



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