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Naughty or Nice


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I'm running a holiday event on the Barren Realms server and thought I'd share my mod for anyone who wants to do something similar. I have mine centered around a North Pole location, but that's easy enought to change. :-)


Obviously you'd have to build your own "north pole" but in this case I simply added a cabin prefab and repainted it (plus a few fun details.)



<quest id="challenge_NaughtyorNice" name_key="challenge_NaughtyorNice" subtitle_key="challenge_NaughtyorNice_subtitle" description_key="challenge_NaughtyorNice_offer" icon="ui_game_symbol_treasure"
repeatable="true" category_key="challenge" offer_key="challenge_NaughtyorNice_offer" difficulty="veryeasy" >
 <objective type="FetchKeep" id="snowBall" value="100" />
 <objective type="FetchKeep" id="snowberryPlant" value="100" />
 <objective type="FetchKeep" id="holidayBerries" value="1" />

 <reward type="Quest" id="challenge_NaughtyorNice02" />

<quest id="challenge_NaughtyorNice02" name_key="challenge_NaughtyorNice02" subtitle_key="challenge_NaughtyorNice02_subtitle" description_key="challenge_NaughtyorNice02_offer" icon="ui_game_symbol_treasure"
repeatable="true" category_key="challenge" offer_key="challenge_NaughtyorNice_offer" difficulty="veryeasy" >
 <objective type="FetchKeep" id="candyKisses" value="1" />

 <reward type="SkillPoints" value="1" />


LOOT.XML (this is the line I added to the loot container, not the entire code.)

<lootcontainer id="70" count="2,5" size="8,9" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_chest" sound_close="UseActions/close_chest" loot_quality_template="treasureTemplate">
 <item name="qt_naughtyOrNice"/>



<block id="2042" name="candyBowl">
 <property name="Extends" value="porchLight04Brass"/>
 <property name="CustomIcon" value="ceilingLight05Brass"/>
 <property name="CreativeMode" value="Dev"/>
 <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>
 <property name="Model" value="Entities/Lighting/ceilingLight05BrassPrefab"/>
 <property name="HandleFace" value="Top"/>



<recipe name="holidayBerries" count="1" craft_area="chemistryStation" craft_time="750">
 <ingredient name="snowBall" count="100"/>
 <ingredient name="snowberryPlant" count="100"/>



<item id="1605" name="candyKisses">
 <property name="CustomIcon" value="plantedCorn1"/>
 <property name="CustomIconTint" value="144,0,255"/>
 <property name="Meshfile" value="cornSeed"/>
 <property name="Material" value="plants"/>
 <property name="HoldType" value="15"/>
 <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>
 <property name="EconomicValue" value="32"/>
 <property class="Action1">
   <property name="Class" value="Eat"/>
   <property name="Delay" value="1.0"/>
   <property name="Use_time" value="..."/>
   <property name="Gain_health" value="10"/>
   <property name="Gain_food" value="1"/>
   <property name="Gain_water" value="0"/>
   <property name="Gain_wellness" value="5"/>
   <property name="Sound_start" value="minibike_horn"/>
 <property name="Group" value="Food/Cooking"/>

<item id="1604" name="holidayBerries">
 <property name="Extends" value="blueberries"/>
 <property name="CustomIcon" value="blueberries"/>
 <property name="CustomIconTint" value="255,255,20"/>
 <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Crafting/rock_smallPrefab"/>
 <property name="Weight" value="5"/>
 <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>
 <property name="EconomicValue" value="5"/>
 <property class="Action1">    <!-- UseAction -->
   <property name="Class" value="ExchangeItem"/>
   <property name="Delay" value="1.0"/>
   <property name="Change_item_to" value="candyKisses"/>
   <property name="Do_block_action" value="deplete1"/>
   <property name="Focused_blockname_1" value="candyBowl"/>
   <property name="Sound_start" value="bucketfill_water"/>
 <property name="ThrowableDecoy" value="false"/>

<item id="1227" name="qt_naughtyOrNice">
 <property name="Extends" value="treasureQuestMaster"/>
 <property name="CustomIconTint" value="0,188,18"/>
 <property name="CustomIcon" value="questMaster"/>
 <property class="Action1">
   <property name="QuestGiven" value="challenge_NaughtyorNice"/>







This is what the "candy bowl" looks like.



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Not sure on this cabin but I know you can turn the poi lights off and on if you use the in game prefab editor found Here
Thanks I have used that but I was hoping there was a simple way to do it in game. I wrote some code that turns them all on in a small radius but Its command based. I'v been digging for an XML edit that would do the same since its nothing more than changing meta:0 to meta:2 in the BlockValue
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Very well done


- - - Updated - - -


Feel free to use my Saint Nick in there somewhere =) https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?57241-Saint-Nick-The-Bad-Santa


SWEEEET! I spawned in Trade Hugh, but he's not very santa-like. Modding zeds and whatnot is next on my list of things to learn. I did a little digging a while back and couldn't quite figure out where the game pulls my player profile info from.


- - - Updated - - -


Question on your lights in the front. Did you run electricity to them or did you find a way to use the POI versions and turn them on?


We use Coppi's mod on the server, so if I power the lights and add loot containers (the presents) I can save it directly ingame as a prefab and load it back in with powered lights with no wires and lootable containers.


I made a ship as the teleport location and have been tinkering around with a possible sled design.



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