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A16 - Tin'sMod: The Dying Lands.


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The Dying Lands


(Very small back story to account for the vast amounts of dilapidated homes and bldgs)

It's was a 150 years since the Zombies first appeared. At 50 yrs in, People were finally starting to band together to counter the threat. 50yrs later humanity was finally starting to make a comeback..or so we thought!

It was about that time strange occurrences began happening, A new threat was emerging and coming out of the shadows! No one really knows why or how the Ghouls appeared! Ghouls.. heh Just another word for Monster but that's what we call them. So now, a 150 years since this madness began, humanity is once again struggling just to survive...


D/L Link -->

The Dying Lands v0.1.1 Feb19 2018 <--

***Important*** Highly suggest you complete the first beginner quest!


D/L Link --> The Dying Lands: Body Parts (edition) <--

** The Dying Lands: Body Parts Desc link ***


**Note** v0.1.1 is in the launcher ty sphereii!!.


Giving a shout out to: Skippy0330 and his YouTube channel for doing a "First Look" video of the mod.


Giving a shout out to: GameEdge and his YouTube channel for doing a "First Look" video of the mod.


They Just do a better and more entertaining job of it then anything I can write about. So stop in and give him some love.



Giving a shout out to: Lost Soul and allowing me to use this link. ;)And you thought you were safe :evil:

Now I don't know if this will happen every time, since I never tested the AI tweaks with underground structures. Either way it can happen.


As of Jan 28th 2018...

Unofficial and requires the use of the launcher: Concerning the SMX UI with the Bigger backpack and merging other mods with this through the launcher..


I added unofficial support for SMX with Bigger back pack in the mod launcher. If it breaks your game, come see me, not Tin :)


Definitely do not mix this mod with any other mod (aside from the previously mentioned Bigger Back Pack mod I spun up. ).


Contrary to some, it cannot be merged with any other mod.

Sphereii also added


Mod launcher is updated to the latest version :)


Bigger Back Pack / SMX is also updated.


Also snuck in Guppycur's WastelandUI as a non-biggerback option for a custom UI.




First things first.

This is just (imo) enhancing whats already in the game itself. You won't find complex crafting or progressions etc,. here. You won't need a wiki or complex in game instructions in order to play this since it's still basically the same in most areas.



Have been redone top to bottom to give a different feel than the vanilla game. Iv'e hand made some new prefabs as well to help change it up (hopefully for the better).

You'll also notice that the dithering between biomes will give a much smoother transition than before.

The biomes themselves are in general much larger and will take more time to get through them.

One thing that will become pretty clear early on is there's no standalone "Snow" biome but snow covered mountains instead.

Water is also drastically reduced but there's still plenty. The water biome itself also has increased spawning.


The weather:

Has been tweaked in such a way to actually be a more pleasant gaming experience and less psychotic in 'temperature' fluctuations. In certain biomes you will get cold at times and other you will get hot at times but it'll be bit more fluid and not quite as jarring.


The terrain has totally been revamped as well and closer to how I want it (still may tweak it here and there).

*Note* Roads are still an issue and do not always lead to Cities/Towns and just end at times. I have tried everything I can think of to counter this from happening with no success. It is what it is and I have no control over it.




I have spent a couple months on trying to find a work around to get the pathing of entities better. I think I have succeeded! but it's at a cost.

During the day sneaking will be mostly unattainable. Losing the zeds actual line of sight for a period of time is the key. At night you can still sneak, it's more difficult but you can still do it. Sleepers are more prone to wake up! So I would prepare before entering.


Zed's: Are a lot more aggressive in nature now. Once they see you, they will go into a frenzy swiping and swatting at the air and anything around them but ever walking closer and closer to you anticipating their next meal.

Not all zeds are created equal. Some will attack more often others won't. Some hit harder some lighter Etc,. Variety is the spice of life and all that.

The majority of zeds are walkers 24/7 but there are other types that are faster day or night.


***If you want to change them to more a vanilla attacking goto this link and it explains how to do so (really easy):https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?79029-Tin-sMod-The-Dying-Lands&p=775309&viewfull=1#post775309***


Wandering hordes: Have been toned down quite a bit to almost be a rare occurrence. Mostly what you'll find is boars/snakes or vultures rolling into your area and every so often a group of zeds to follow.

To counter the toned down wandering hordes there are more zeds in the biomes in general and they will spawn back faster than the vanilla 5 days. So just a little warning. Don't get complacent that your area will be free of zeds for 5days.

Ware the Vultures! Wandering horde or not. These aren't you typical Vultures They are A LOT more aggressive than normal.


The Screamers: Are deadly and close to on par with the bloodmoon hordes in the later gamestages. So be careful and don't let them get the better of you.

*In return for making them more deadly* The heat map has been toned down on some item's so it should give you a touch more breathing room but not a ton ;)


Bloodmoon Hordes: Will last, on average, till 4-5am every time they occur.


Forest: Forest are Forest whether they are mostly Pine or Maple. Trees trees trees galore! I've decorated those biomes in such a way to hopefully (for the majority of players) not drop the fps.


Hubs (Town/Cities): Will vary in a variety of sizes but they CAN get pretty big!

All Trader pois: Are located in Towns/Cities and no longer in the wilderness. Want to find a trader? Locate a town or city! The Trader quest has also been removed from the beginner quest chain.


High Value prefabs: Have had their spawns re tweaked. Bookstores, Gun stores, Apartment bldgs, Diners and Fast food, Pharmacies, Hospitals, Police stations and many more.. to help make the world more alive...er undead?! This has been done to make prefabs matter a bit more and increased the threat at places that would likely see high population counts.

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Additions for v0.1.1:

  • Unified times for zeds to convert to gore blocks.
  • Roads fixed and will mostly not dead end now. Thanks Dracos99 for showing me the fix ;)
  • Change some of the meats (grilled no longer requires 2 raw meat to make)
  • Tools/Weapons Are now = to vanilla 300 Quality in damage.
  • Quality now only increases durability instead of damage.
  • Melee weapon Damage increases are based Types and skill level and certain perks. Spiked Club is greater than Iron Club which is greater than Club in damage etc,.
  • Readjusted loot from gore blocks (again)
  • Knife Guy Perk now give a 10% harvest increase at lvl1
  • Melee/ Mining/ Construction skills: now lower stamina drain as you level, up to 25% @max skill level.
  • The rest of the 25% you gain from perks to be most efficient.
  • You now get 6 perk point upon completing the beginner quest instead of 5.
  • 'Clay' redone in biomes to be less resource intensive. Now more like ore deposits.
  • BloodMoon horde redone GL!
  • Ghoul and zed biome spawn tweaked.
  • Redid some of the ghoul textures to be less resource intensive *Clients must have the uma texture folder to get the results*
  • Many other adjustments done.


*Special Thanks to: ConZ for bringing to my attention the oops! on the quest AND for providing the fixed file TYVM :) and a TY as well goes to zootal for keeping me informed about the Linux naming issues


  • My personal TY list: (in no particular order)
  • Sphereii
  • Guppycur
  • StompyNZ
  • Darkstartdragon
  • Conz
  • zootal
  • Xyth
  • and to All the people trying this mod out TYM!




Note: The quest Fixes are now in the Launcher (current with dl link) TYVM sphereii


Tips,Tips,Tips and more Beginner Tips!


  • Use the beginning safe time to finish your beginner quests and get the 5 perk point upon completion.
  • Don't move far from the starting point in the beginning to collect beginning resources.
  • The initial safe time will end at 12noon (game time) unless you travel to far away from the starting point then it's "Game On!"
  • It's Not a good idea to enter cities until you're ready to throw down and fight.
  • Use the wilderness pois to build up supplies till you're ready (ware the ranger station pois).
  • V0.0.8 Don't eat canned goods unless you really need to and are willing to take the risk of taking a wellness hit.
  • The only way to 'Sneak' during the day is to loos the zed's LoS for more than 30seconds.
  • You Can 'Sneak' during the night but is much more difficult than vanilla.
  • *Vultures* Do Not register if you're in 'Sneak' mode (vanilla thing, can't control it).
  • Blood Moon nights.. make sure you have at least a stack of arrow ready to go.



Files that have been altered:

*Lots of new comments. Some comments may not be 100% accurate in my way of describing or thinking but just giving a little insight on how I went and thought about it. So, srry if they are not..*

biome.xml - Major overhaul

blocks.xml - Minor tweaks

buffs.xml - Minor tweaks

entitygroups.xml - Moderate overhaul

entityclasses.xml - Major overhaul

gamestages.xml - Major overhaul

items.xml - Minor tweaks

localization.txt - Very minor tweaks

rwgmixer.xml - Major overhaul

weathersurvival - Minor tweaks

xui.xml - Very minor tweaks

Prefab Folder - Minor addition and tweaks to existing and new prefabs.


*This Mod was developed and tested using*

i7- 5820k CPU @ 3.3ghz 6cores 12 logical.

32gb Ram

1070 GTX gpu

Nothing was OC'd


This is all a xml driven mod.


So forgive me if I made it a touch demanding for some as I don't really have a smaller rig to test it on.

Pretty sure I got it OK for most ppl though.


Adding to servers:

Just copy/past the config and prefab folder and done!

Just an FYI the Clients will need to do the same in order to get and see everything like it should be as well.

If the clients don't it's nothing major as you can still play just fine. The server just doesn't carry over all the extra effects I've added.


The fine print stuff:

Things I will not do to this Mod:

I will not be adding any other additional mods.

This is just for me personally and I thought I would let you know. I don't have the extra time to do so and keep track of every other mod addition and every time they update it etc,.


'IF' you want to add in the "compo pack" or the "Bigger back pack" or the "X" mod to this! You are more than welcome to do so. I like playing those mods as well so it's not about not liking any particular mod.


'IF' you want to take portions of this mod and put it into other mods Knock yourself out!

'IF' you do end up taking portions of this mod and adding it to your mod just a friendly tip of the cap mention is all I ask... If you remember ;)

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Oh and sometimes the town/City has been so forgotten by time that it's completely over grown even the streets are gone. So have fun exploring and stumbling upon them.


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tin is it ok with you if i challenge ur reduced heat map to see what it takes to break it? :)


Knock yourself out! GL :evil: edit: Oh I did tone them down a bit in the early game but once you get a higher gamestage it'll be right as rain ;)


About time, slacker. =)


Had to be done. Still have a lot of stuff I want to do with it but that'll need to wait for A17.


More for others who read this but..


Don't expect all the bells a whistles that Starvation and Rave have but it's not slacken in other areas to make good game play ;)

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tin check ur GS xml's coz 60 of my first 88 Z kills have been ferals lol not complaining tho just find it rather odd that early on


Just in the biomes? Or are you finding them in poi's mostly? If you are finding them out in the wilds not near anything then I'll need to adjust it some. near/in Pois? not so much. I wanted in or near poi's to be more deadly.

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little bi of both maybe 50/50 not 100% sure tho


I don't know your play style but this is my theory:


You move fast from area to area. Obviously the walkers aren't getting to you before you are moving on to another area but the joggers (being faster) are, since they are well.. moving faster. When you do take a bit of time to take a rest in an area the joggers from the other areas caught up to you and you are getting the bulk of them instead of the walkers.


Also pois (camps or whatnot) will typically spawn the higher tier zeds as well. Possibly you are tipping the spawn trigger for some poi's as well? Idk just guessing.


Either way it sounds like exciting game play (to me) but I can see it getting a bit much at times for some.


Let me know how it plays out and if you still think it needs a bit of tweaking.

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ahh think i mistook the joggers for ferals as im not used to that and not for me i screamer farm in my vanilla game 8 forges and 2 chem stations and a camp fire lol XD


Yeah I don't have screamers set to spawn another screamer, i used to but it got out of hand quickly. Easy to change though.

I have a couple different types of zeds. Sleepers== leaders and ferals/Fodder (walkers) low hp doesn't hit that often/Leaders (aka joggers) hit more often than fodder class/ feral joggers with more hp and hit more often than leaders. So the "Joggers" could be feral. I just have the spd slowed down.

Want more screamer spawns? just dbl the wave count numbers and done or add screamers to group list *shrug*

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i do like the traders in towns now tho thats cool means guaranteed trader for every town


Hows everything else looking? terrain good? Biomes good? weather effects? zeds reacting good? "yes/no" on them swatting and swiping and flailing around when they start getting close to you?


Mostly curious about the zeds flailing around. I can change them to be more focused and only attack when they are close enough.

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Hows everything else looking? terrain good? Biomes good? weather effects? zeds reacting good? "yes/no" on them swatting and swiping and flailing around when they start getting close to you?


Mostly curious about the zeds flailing around. I can change them to be more focused and only attack when they are close enough.


Overall I think they are much more stable. I ran into a multitude of animals, zombies including puker-cops, and vultures. There was only one instance of a wolf doing circles but thats fine as the rest seemed far better. Liking the poi's but have not found a trader yet. I played "tin" as a random seed and it seemed to have good balance from what I saw overall. There doesn't seem to be time to avoid zombies though and thats fine but I am not sure if you could prepare for a hoard before 7 days elapsed but I will find out. I did notice some lag but likely harddrive as I didn't have it installed on my ssd but the fps seemed quite good and averaged around 100 most of the time. Nice word in my opinion. :fat:

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Overall I think they are much more stable. I ran into a multitude of animals, zombies including puker-cops, and vultures. There was only one instance of a wolf doing circles but thats fine as the rest seemed far better. Liking the poi's but have not found a trader yet. I played "tin" as a random seed and it seemed to have good balance from what I saw overall. There doesn't seem to be time to avoid zombies though and thats fine but I am not sure if you could prepare for a hoard before 7 days elapsed but I will find out. I did notice some lag but likely harddrive as I didn't have it installed on my ssd but the fps seemed quite good and averaged around 100 most of the time. Nice word in my opinion. :fat:


awesome. Ty for the run down. Let me know how it goes.


Tip1: Stay on the move after the safety period ends. Once you find were you want to make your first settlement spend the day wiping out the zeds in the surrounding area. That'll give you at least a day or 2 of peace to start getting things established.


Tip2: Utilize the wandering horde mechanic that sends you free food and or feathers from the boars, snakes and vultures.


Tip3: If you are running low on meats find a natural water spot, more animals spawn at them but also more of everything else as well.


Tip4: Be prepared when entering a poi. Bandages/melee weapon/ranged if you are good with a bow as well.


Tip5: All traders will be in towns or cities, look for the industrial or commercial areas as those are where they mostly spawn at.


Tip6: Make sure you have at least some defenses put up at your fort before the bloodmoon horde arrives.


The Initial spawning after the safety period ends is a little harsh but after that it'll settle down and then you'll only need to handle the occasional zeds in your area (minus any screamers you may have triggered).

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