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Disable Explosion of FatCop Zombies


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i'm trying to disable the explosion from the fatcop zombies.


in the entityclasses.xml i removed the lines


<!-- <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="8"/>

<property name="Explosion.RadiusBlocks" value="5"/>

<property name="Explosion.RadiusEntities" value="6"/>

<property name="Explosion.BlockDamage" value="500"/>

<property name="Explosion.EntityDamage" value="150"/>

<property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.earth" value="0"/> -->


from the fatcop zombie, now he doesn't explode anymore, but he still starts to run (and than, doesn't attack again).

how can i disable it completely, so that he doesn't start to run either?


I've read that you can change the hand of the zombie, but than he will not puke anymore, and i wan't him to puke but not to explode :)



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It's this bit you want to change.


<property name="Class" value="EntityZombieCop"/>


To this.


<property name="Class" value="EntityZombie" />


That should stop the run and the explosion, but leave you with the vomiting.


i tried this, but it also removes the vomiting :(

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