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Is this how you change the text the player sees when he looks at a block.


I tried it but got an error: Format Exception: Input string not in a correct format.


using System;
using UnityEngine;

public class BlockmyElevator : Block

   public override string GetActivationText(WorldBase _world, BlockValue _blockValue, int _clrIdx, Vector3i _blockPos,
       EntityAlive _entityFocusing)
       return "Press <{E}> to operate the Elevator";


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Is this how you change the text the player sees when he looks at a block.


I tried it but got an error: Format Exception: Input string not in a correct format.


using System;
using UnityEngine;

public class BlockmyElevator : Block

   public override string GetActivationText(WorldBase _world, BlockValue _blockValue, int _clrIdx, Vector3i _blockPos,
       EntityAlive _entityFocusing)
       return "Press <{E}> to operate the Elevator";



It's the { } that it's upset about. You can use that if you are using the localization and the string.Format() command.


But since you are just returning a string, you don't need to use them.


return "Press <E> to operate the Elevator";

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