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Hiding Server Console


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Hi all, I recently started a server for me and some friends. It's running and working nicely, 7D2D rat is working no complaints there. My only thing is I have it running on a PC I have connected to a TV and let my kids use. Is there any way to have startdedicated.bat execute such that the server console is completely hidden (or at least minimzed to system tray) instead of creating a program icon in the task bar area of Windows? I don't want them to accidentally close the console and shut down the server.

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There is an option in the launcher for it to not start that console. Just set it to False. If you ever need to access the console, just use a Raw Putty connection to the telnet port you set in the config, or use the web console.



<property name="TerminalWindowEnabled"			value="true"/>				<!-- Show a terminal window for log output / command input (Windows only) -->

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