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  1. I just uploaded an : All in one storage mod for SMX this file includes the vehicle,drone and player storage chest you can find it here : All in one storage mod for SMX
  2. not to bad but that still leaves me with the question, which ones are NOT working ? also I am not surprised that some of his mods are popping up in my tree considering he did some copy paste of my mods FYI no worries about English not being your native tongue, it ain't mine either
  3. what mod of mine isn't working with his ?
  4. And a happy new year to you to My apologies for not updating these forums sooner, I just simply forgot 😕 I have updated all my mods for A20, But since I can no longer post mods on these forums directly, I have updated my first post to include links to all my mods on the Nexusmods website where you can download them from.
  5. I will be updating my mods for A20 most likely next week when my x-mas holiday starts
  6. @X3ntra Thank you for the kind words such a mod already exist I just never posted it on here and now apparently I can't post it either since I am only allowed to upload pictures ?!? anyway here is the link to the page where you can download it from : Server icons addon just scroll down the page and download the server icon addon mod
  7. oops sorry for the slow response but glad to see you figured out that everything is tied to the crafting perk mod
  8. you could enter the entityclasses.xml file and change the following line : <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieTemplateMale']/property[@name='TimeStayAfterDeath']/@value">900</set> change the 900 to tune down how long it takes before corpses despawn (the number is seconds so 900 means 15 min )
  9. Hi @Hotshots2113 updated the total download file on here A19.6 and that should fix your issues Mods A19.6.zip
  10. seeing as they use the SMX ui you might want to try : mod master plus all 14 perks for SMX
  11. sorry for the slow response but some how i didn't get a notification 😕 any way have you tried it with ? : Server icons addon that is an optional download on the nexus mod under lam's mod master ?
  12. it does work with the stainless steel mod just rename his mod folder to something like zzzFGStainlessMod or anything else as long as his mod is running after mine then there is no issue
  13. @SUVD Are you using the latest version ? previous versions had a typo which caused your problem. if you are using the latest version ,then i am guessing that you use another modlet that interferes with my modlet. i checked the xml file for miner69r and there are no errors and it is working like the vanilla version when it comes to unlocking iron tools. the only thing my mod changes is the DMG output and perk description.
  14. it is not exactly what you asked for but i can't get it to work with just perks so i added 4 extra bellows which you can unlock with perks and place into the forge. changed the description of the vanilla bellows to correctly say that it only reduces the smelt speed by 30% instead of the 50% it said. the new bellows each add 10% faster smelting adding up to 70% if you install them all.
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