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  1. Worst update ever. Good job Fun Pimps, you really out did yourselves this time.
  2. Is there Icons missing in the Working devices mod. I only see food but all the devices have no icon
  3. All the Top Servers in the World are Modded Servers. The only thing that keeps this game fun and interesting are Mods. Mod the Map, Mod the Zombies, Mod the items, weapons, food etc. Mod the Armor, Use a third party program for waypoints, teleports, and other features then you will have fun and a challenge. This is why in my opinion most of the "BIG" updates are more than half of what is already out there in the modded World they just implement it. Sure I will get chewed out for this comment but it is whatever..Lol
  4. Regions are 512x512 and chunks are 16x16. There is 1024 chunks in a region.
  5. Cool! Needs to be added on client side as well I take it.
  6. So I know I asked this before, but Glass Deviant kinda buried it with his non sense answers and arguments with other members so I will ask it again. Hey just wanna say I absolutely love Nitrogen, great job. I have a question regarding the highways. Is there a way to generate a map with the highway intact like no breaks/spaces, I love the idea of the highway on my map but is completely useless if the players cannot drive down it without falling through every kilometer or so. Hoping there is some setting I missed, I set roads to no damage but it still came in broken up. Any help would be appreciated. and Glass Deviant before you even ask yes it is something I want, because I have a 10K map but have hundreds of players so things get torn up quickly on my map. I am one of the largest servers in the World. So before you start with the questions about not needing it because it forces me to go further from my spawn point etc. Well I would like to know if there is a way or if the Dev of Nitro could make a way to do this. Thanks for your concern though.
  7. Sure I know I can fix them manually but the problem with that is when I do a prefab reset to freshen up the map for players, Highways are considered prefabs so it undoes all of the repairs made to them. So that is why I was hoping the is a way or could be a way implemented to make the highways solid all the way through if the person wanted while making the map. Also if players make bases on the Highway they get wiped too when you do a Prefab Reset. So that isn't good either.
  8. Hey just wanna say I absolutely love Nitrogen, great job. I have a question regarding the highways. Is there a way to generate a map with the highway intact like no breaks/spaces, I love the idea of the highway on my map but is completely useless if the players cannot drive down it without falling through every kilometer or so. Hoping there is some setting I missed, I set roads to no damage but it still came in broken up. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Read the entire original post he clearly stated that. "There are some blocks available in the variant helpers that were already available in game, but I thought it would be convenient to group them together anyway."
  10. You know what I had a complete brain fart dude...Lol. I tested the code using the 'cntBusSchool' block but when I got in game I tested it with the full car...Haven't been getting much sleep lately and it is showing. Thank you for your help...Lol. If I would have paid attention to what I was doing I would have had it on my very first try...duh
  11. I tried that one first cause it made sense to me too and it didn't but I will try again right now to see if I messed it up somehow ***EDIT: So I just tried it again this way with no luck it still blows up. I even tried it this way too. <remove xpath="/blocks/block[@name=cntBusSchool]" /> <property class="Explosion"> <property name="ParticleIndex" value="4"/> <!-- which prefab/particle is used --> <property name="RadiusBlocks" value="5"/> <!-- damage radius for blocks --> <property name="BlockDamage" value="500"/> <!-- damage for blocks in the center of the explosion --> <property name="RadiusEntities" value="5"/> <!-- damage radius for entities --> <property name="EntityDamage" value="70"/> <!-- damage for entities in the center of the explosion --> </property> </remove>
  12. I've tried every combination with the <remove xpath> that I can think of but still can't get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I would like to remove the highlighted section of the code below. Thanks in advance. <block name="cntBusSchool"> <property name="DisplayType" value="blockHardenedMulti" /> <property name="Material" value="Mmetal_hard"/> <property name="Class" value="CarExplodeLoot"/> <property name="LootList" value="19"/> <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/> <property name="Path" value="solid"/> <property name="Model" value="Entities/Vehicles/busPrefab"/> <property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacer"/> <property name="MultiBlockDim" value="3,4,12"/> <property name="ActivationDistance" value="15"/> <property name="ImposterDontBlock" value="true"/> <property name="BigDecorationRadius" value="5"/> <property name="CanDecorateOnSlopes" value="false"/> <property name="ShowModelOnFall" value="false"/> <property name="RandomTintColor1" value="188,148,20" param1="bus"/> <property name="Collide" value="sight,movement,melee,bullet,arrow,rocket"/> <property class="Explosion"> <property name="ParticleIndex" value="4"/> <!-- which prefab/particle is used --> <property name="RadiusBlocks" value="5"/> <!-- damage radius for blocks --> <property name="BlockDamage" value="5000"/> <!-- damage for blocks in the center of the explosion --> <property name="RadiusEntities" value="5"/> <!-- damage radius for entities --> <property name="EntityDamage" value="70"/> <!-- damage for entities in the center of the explosion --> </property> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceLeather" count="2,7" prob="0.5" tag="allHarvest"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceScrapIron" count="10,20" tag="allHarvest"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="terrStone" count="0" tool_category="Disassemble"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceHeadlight" count="1" prob="0.2" tag="salvageHarvest"/> <drop event="Destroy" count="0"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceMechanicalParts" count="0,3" prob="0.1" tag="salvageHarvest"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceElectricParts" count="0,2" prob="0.1" tag="salvageHarvest"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceElectricParts" count="0,2" prob="0.1" tag="salvageHarvest"/> <drop event="Fall" name="scrapMetalPile" count="1" prob="0.75" stick_chance="1"/> <property name="FilterTags" value="floot"/> </block>
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