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About AaronG85

  • Birthday 11/13/1985

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  1. Ive heard rumours of a new UI, is this something that is coming too Alpha 22?
  2. Yeah its a known issue as the original code and assets where for an older alpha, im currently working on new assets for my mod.
  3. Can checkout my mod Supply Drop Beacon check out its code for ideas, and if you release anything just throw some credit my way.
  4. Is there anyway to disable the 'Spawn Near Backpack' feature? Or a mod that mods it out?
  5. This worked 100% and i now have a working custom forge with smelting custom items, thanks so much
  6. This worked perfectly my items to be able to be crafted using brass and clay but is there a way to add an additional forged type (like clay, brass, lead) so you have to smelt a new ingrediant to create a new item?
  7. Is there an XML way of adding a new item (Raw Gold) that can be smelted in a forge to create a new item (Gold Bar)?
  8. Yeah I've added the resourceForgedMeteoriteRed to the nailgun but still nothing?
  9. I have the following code <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='steelShapes']"> <property class="UpgradeBlock"> <property name="ToBlock" value="meteotireGreenShapes"/> <property name="Item" value="resourceForgedMeteoriteGreen"/> <property name="ItemCount" value="10"/> <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4"/> </property> </append> <block name="meteotireGreenShapes" shapes="All"> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="meteotireGreenShapesDesc"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="blockHardened"/> <property name="Material" value="MmeteotireGreen_shapes"/> <property name="Shape" value="New"/> <property name="Texture" value="544"/> <property name="UiBackgroundTexture" value="544"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="150"/> <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="20"/> <property class="RepairItems"> <property name="resourceForgedMeteoriteGreen" value="10"/> </property> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceForgedMeteoriteGreen" count="8" tag="allHarvest"/> <drop event="Destroy" count="0"/> <drop event="Fall" name="resourceMeteoriteGreen" count="10" prob="0.75" stick_chance="1"/> <property class="UpgradeBlock"> <property name="ToBlock" value="meteotireRedShapes"/> <property name="Item" value="resourceForgedMeteoriteRed"/> <property name="ItemCount" value="10"/> <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4"/> </property> <property name="UpgradeSound" value="place_block_concrete"/> <property name="SortOrder1" value="S030"/> <property name="Group" value="Building,advBuilding"/> <property name="FilterTags" value="MC_Shapes"/> </block> I have made all the required mods to the recipes, blocks, items and material XMLs but im stuck as I cant upgrade from the steel block to my new block. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  10. Ive been able to change the Window to display the new fuel type, but cant figure out the code to change the fuel type as Wood is still able to be used. Any help is appreciated?
  11. I'm currently using the following code to add a new item to an existing Progression level <append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingElectrician']"> <display_entry icon="lightIndustrialRed" name_key="Supply Drop Beacon" has_quality="false" unlock_level="10" > <unlock_entry item="supplyDropBeacon" unlock_tier="1" /> </display_entry> </append> Just wondering how i would go about adding it to an existing level in Progression, Example this one <display_entry icon="generatorBankA" name_key="electricianT1" has_quality="false" unlock_level="25" > <unlock_entry item="generatorbank,electricwirerelay,switch,tripwirepost,ceilingLight01_player,industrialLight01_player,industrialLight02_player,ceilingLight07_player" unlock_tier="1" /> </display_entry>
  12. All Mods have been updated and added a new mod called Supply Drop Beacon that allows you to spawn Supply Drops.
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