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  1. Cloud save I tought the map is generated at the creation. It have borders, since i can set the parameters. File size isnt "huge" Thats why its weird (to me) to not have a cloud save. Compared to something else, it could be a thing easily, since its not and endless map. Since its alpha, i understand that they dont want to spend dev time to this. I rather think they aware of some bugs and causing some players save corrupted. Just by logic. but your "file would be too huge" idea is still can be true somehow.
  2. is there a working A16.4 inventory expansion mod somewhere? only slots without any other mods VANILLA only (i dont want to re-write the game files myself.)
  3. End Game please im really happy about the various zombies, but some point, when u have everything purple quality and a base, there is nothing to do anymore. (just building) i hope you guys will add some endgame stuff soon
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