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About Vanblam

  • Birthday 11/01/1979

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  • Location
    Riverside, CA
  • Interests
    Gaming, Game creation

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  1. Created my Duka-Cola vending machine, whew that took a while lol. Gotta love Quixel Mixer Made a clean version and a dirty version.
  2. I think I did post this somewhere, but I cant find it lol. I was actually trying to revamp an existing Nuka Cola mod by using the actual models from Fallout 4. I even went as far as sending them an email to ask for permission lol, yes of course they said no :P. So I started working on "Duka-Cola", but I'm not sure if I actually posted anything about the new one. Thanks :D, I did make them a while back, I finally got back into modding for 7D2D and I want to finish what I've started. Going for a vintage style (Fallout basically). I am adding some vegetation like , sugarcane, wheat and pepper corn. Here is a shot of sugarcane.
  3. Yea just a quick volume adjustment in Audacity is very simple. So sticking with WeaponFire is what I'm going to do from now on, unless its necessary for that block or some odd sound that should use a different AudioSource.
  4. <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Interact"/> I'm using this. I was going ask about "AudioSource" and what it does. Is there another config file for this setting or is it coded?
  5. I added customs sounds and I have them working in game, but they are so very low volume and I can barley hear them, in Unity they sound loud and crisp. Is there specific formats they need to be in or settings that need to be applied? I have them as wav files at the moment. I watched the Xyth SoundImporting video and he didn't really get into any of that. If you need any screenshots of something specific I will provide them
  6. I was inspired by Fallout on this, but Duka-Cola just seems work perfect for 7D2D :D. This is going to be part of a mod that I'm creating. All the bottles are hand held so you can actually see them when you drink them :P. The mod will probably not be available for a while though, just wanted too see what you guys think about this idea
  7. Thank you very much, worked like a charm
  8. I think it might actually be working, because when I eat regular food my food level does not go up, until I eat past the -80. So I guess I need it to actually take it away instantly instead of slowly or halting (If that's possible). I wanted to test some hunger things but I can't fin a very fast way to remove food to check hunger. The command "starve" does nothing.
  9. I tried different ways, but nothing seems to work. Does anyone know how to remove food with an item? I have this atm: <item name="devBrownPill"> <property name="Tags" value="dev"/> <property name="HoldType" value="31"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="drugPainkillers"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="895717"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="drugBrownPill"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="devBrownPillDesc"/> <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Health/painkillersPrefab.prefab"/> <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/> <property name="Material" value="Morganic"/> <property name="Stacknumber" value="5000"/> <!-- STK food --> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Class" value="Eat"/> <property name="Delay" value="2.1"/> <property name="Use_time" value="..."/> <property name="Sound_start" value="player_eating"/> </property> <effect_group tiered="false" name="Food Tier 0"> <!-- <display_value name="$foodAmountAdd" value="-80"/> --> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$foodAmountAdd" operation="subtract" value="80"/> </effect_group> </item> I realize the cvar says $foodAmountAdd, I tried $foodAmountSubtract and that still did nothing (It did not throw an error or a warning when I tried that).
  10. OMG ty, never tried that command in notepad++, I most definitely will from now on. Did not see worldgeneration. And ty BFT2020 for your help bud
  11. I wouldn't mind doing that way, but I didn't know how to approach it I've done items that way but not biomes, and I have the block in many subbiomes so it seemed less confusing to me to do the way I did. But I probably should append it because the way I have it is not working hehe. EDIT: Oh and I am very new to all this
  12. That part doesn't effect anything as far I've seen, as long as the xml file name is correct eg: if you change an item with a an xpath just make sure that the xml is call items.xml. That's what I've seen in tutorials anyway Also my item.xml for example has <vanblam> </vanblam> and works just fine.
  13. Decided to watch the console as the map was generating, and noticed it said: "WRN patch for my mod <set xpath="/biomes/biome[@name='pine_forest']"> did not apply." Is there a log somewhere to see "WHY" it did not apply? At this point I am stumped
  14. Well I have the block working (just used a shader from the asset store for the sway). I have tested the block itself and it works and looks just fine. However I have the plant in the biome generation for the pine forest in all the subbiome decorations and the main decorations, but it's not generating into the world ( after doing a rwg). I will show you the xml for the biome that I have right now. plantedPeppercorn3Harvest is my new plant block. <vanblam> <set xpath="/biomes/biome[@name='pine_forest']"> <weather> <Temperature min="-35" max="15" prob="1"/> <!--<Fog min="0" max="0" prob=".9"/>--> <!--<Fog min="100" max="100" prob=".1"/>--> <CloudThickness min="0" max="0" prob=".3"/> <CloudThickness min="10" max="70" prob=".6"/> <CloudThickness min="100" max="100" prob=".1"/> <Precipitation min="0" max="0" prob=".0"/> <Precipitation min="50" max="100" prob=".75"/> <Wind min="10" max="20" prob="0.9"/> <Wind min="20" max="100" prob="0.1"/> </weather> <subbiome prob="0.12"> <!-- Pine Forest Sub Biome Clustered Flowers and Boulders --> <layers> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrForestGround"/> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrDirt"/> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrStone"> <resource blockname="terrOreIron" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </layers> <decorations> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_iron_vein" checkresource="-7" onslopes="true" prob=".00657" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource02" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedGoldenrod3Harvest" prob="0.008"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedCotton3Harvest" prob="0.07"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedChrysanthemum3Harvest" prob="0.07"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedPeppercorn3Harvest" prob="0.06"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock01" prob=".01"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock02" prob=".01"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock04" prob=".01"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeTallGrassDiagonal" prob=".5"/> </decorations> </subbiome> <subbiome prob="0.292"> <!-- Ore Sub Biome: coalOre --> <layers> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrForestGround"/> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrDirt"/> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrStone"> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrStone"> <resource blockname="terrOreCoal" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </layers> <decorations> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_coal_vein" checkresource="-7" onslopes="true" prob=".00657" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource02" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cntForestRandomLootHelper" prob="0.00025"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="rock_form02" prob=".001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="rock_form01" prob=".001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedCotton3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock01" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock02" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock04" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cntBirdnest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadPineLeaf" prob="0.01" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeJuniper4m" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine12m" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine19m" prob="0.0015" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine27m" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine31m" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPineDry21m" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine41m" prob="0.004" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedSnowberry3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedChrysanthemum3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedPeppercorn3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeTallGrassDiagonal" prob=".4"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakLrg01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakMed01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakMed02" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakSml01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeFirLrg01" prob="0.0005" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine48m" prob="0.0005" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeStump" prob=".0002" rotatemax="7"/></decorations> </subbiome> <subbiome prob="0.312"> <!-- Ore Sub Biome: potassiumNitrate --> <layers> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrForestGround"/> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrDirt"/> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrStone"> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrStone"> <resource blockname="terrOrePotassiumNitrate" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </layers> <decorations> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_nitrate_vein" checkresource="-7" onslopes="true" prob=".00657" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource02" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cntForestRandomLootHelper" prob="0.00025"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="rock_form02" prob=".001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="rock_form01" prob=".001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedCotton3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock01" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock02" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock04" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cntBirdnest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadPineLeaf" prob="0.01" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeJuniper4m" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine12m" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine19m" prob="0.0015" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine27m" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine31m" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPineDry21m" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine41m" prob="0.004" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedSnowberry3Harvest" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedChrysanthemum3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedPeppercorn3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeTallGrassDiagonal" prob=".4"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakLrg01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakMed01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakMed02" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakSml01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeFirLrg01" prob="0.0005" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine48m" prob="0.0005" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeStump" prob=".0002" rotatemax="7"/></decorations> </subbiome> <subbiome prob="0.342"> <!-- Ore Sub Biome: leadOre --> <layers> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrForestGround"/> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrDirt"/> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrStone"> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrStone"> <resource blockname="terrOreLead" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </layers> <decorations> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_lead_vein" checkresource="-7" onslopes="true" prob=".00657" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource02" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cntForestRandomLootHelper" prob="0.00025"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="rock_form02" prob=".001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="rock_form01" prob=".001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedCotton3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock01" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock02" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock04" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cntBirdnest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadPineLeaf" prob="0.01" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeJuniper4m" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine12m" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine19m" prob="0.0015" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine27m" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine31m" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPineDry21m" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine41m" prob="0.004" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedSnowberry3Harvest" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedChrysanthemum3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedPeppercorn3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeTallGrassDiagonal" prob=".4"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakLrg01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakMed01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakMed02" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakSml01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeFirLrg01" prob="0.0005" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine48m" prob="0.0005" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeStump" prob=".0002" rotatemax="7"/></decorations> </subbiome> <!-- Block layers: Pine Forest --> <layers> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrForestGround"/> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrDirt"/> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrStone"> <resource blockname="terrOreIron" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </layers> <!-- Decorations Main: Pine Forest --> <decorations> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_iron_vein" checkresource="-7" onslopes="true" prob=".00657" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource02" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cntForestRandomLootHelper" prob="0.00025"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="rock_form02" prob=".001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="rock_form01" prob=".001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedCotton3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock01" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock02" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock04" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cntBirdnest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadPineLeaf" prob="0.01" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeJuniper4m" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine12m" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine19m" prob="0.0015" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine27m" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine31m" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPineDry21m" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine41m" prob="0.004" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedSnowberry3Harvest" prob=".001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedChrysanthemum3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedPeppercorn3Harvest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeTallGrassDiagonal" prob=".4"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakLrg01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakMed01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakMed02" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakSml01" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeFirLrg01" prob="0.0005" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeMountainPine48m" prob="0.0005" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeStump" prob=".0002" rotatemax="7"/> </decorations> <terrain class="Mountains"/> </set> </vanblam> Edit: forgot to show my block xml for the plant: <vanblam> <append xpath= "/blocks"> <block name="plantedPeppercorn3Harvest"> <!-- stage 3, harvestable / player-farmed and prefab peppercorn --> <property name="Extends" value="cropsHarvestableMaster"/> <property name="DisplayInfo" value="Name"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="avBlockPeppercorn"/> <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/> <property name="Model" value="#@modfolder:Resources/AV_Main.unity3d?peppercorn_bush_p.prefab"/> <property name="Mesh" value="cutoutmoveable"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="ingredientPeppercorns" count="1" tag="wildCropsHarvest"/> </block> </append> </vanblam> I do plan on making it a "plantable" crop.
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