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Vaeliorin last won the day on October 5 2023

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  1. As someone who used to have a similar playstyle, the water isn't a huge issue. I play solely singleplayer, but I usually build 36 dew collectors. Magazines are a bigger issue. You'll probably have to spend close to 2 months in game looting if you want to get all of them.
  2. I'm a weirdo in these parts in that I couldn't care less that this is a zombie game (honestly, I think it would be better if it wasn't because semi-smart enemies would make sense then, and you could make enemies do almost anything and have a valid reason for it) and I don't like horror movies (so the horror movie POIs don't register for me.) That said, there was a POI in A16 that was kind of a standalone brownstone that had a store at the bottom and then an apartment above (there were 2 variations, one of which was missing a corner of the second floor) and I really miss that building. It was my starter home of choice (I'd build on the roof, add a new roof, knock out the stairs and it was just perfect) but it disappeared in A17 if I'm remembering correctly, and I've always wanted it back. So that's the POI I'd like to see.
  3. I imagine it was either this, or they didn't want to pull an Ark and sell DLC before the game was out of alpha. Here's a 12 years post for you.
  4. Well, if there's a reason to go there I don't mind having those biomes. But I just don't find them particular compelling at the moment, so I never go there, and hence don't use them because they would just end up as wasted space on the map. Thanks for the answer!
  5. Does this mean that traders are restricted to certain biomes? I usually make maps without Wasteland (I never go there, so there's no point in it being on the map) and I'll likely make maps without Burnt Forest as well. Would this mean I would lose access to certain traders, or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?
  6. That would be really cool. I'd be behind that. Not so much the axe thing (I'd just use a T6 crafting mod, as those requirements are way too annoying and might eventually require doing T5s which I just have no desire to do.)
  7. As long as the basics (water filters, honey/antibiotics) didn't require bartering specific items, it'd be okay, I guess. Not sure how it would make questing less op or exploration more incentivized (unless you restricted loot to specific POIs.) Granted, I don't generally buy anything other than filters and recipes/magazines from the traders.
  8. I can already do that. The zombies aren't really a threat, more of an annoyance. Granted, I bought the game mostly for the building and tower defense aspects. I actually don't like FPS games at all.
  9. If you just wanted to explore and build, it would be fine to turn it off. I've often considered turning off all zombies except for horde nights, because I don't particularly see any benefit to them during the rest of the week.
  10. Might be caused if you got dropped from the server basically immediately after logging in. I know in single player if you exit the game before the quest pops (which takes some pretty quick reflexes, admittedly) when you try and go back into the game, you don't get the quest. Never played multiplayer, but I imagine the same sort of thing happens.
  11. I've used random POIs as starter bases, but since I primarily enjoy building, using one as a permanent base wouldn't be that fun for me unless I basically ripped it apart and completely rebuilt it. That said, while I do occasionally get unsuspected blocks broken doing things like that, they're never anything critical. All you have to do is block off the top of a staircase, and the zombies are basically done for, assuming they have no other way to get to you. As for not using blocks that create falls, I usually avoid them. Pretty much the only time I use them is when I want to create a zombie blender where they fall through a dozen or so blade traps after I knock them off/ragdoll them. I could theoretically have more challenge by doing a base with no traps, but then that's not really tower defense any longer either, is it? I want bases that will fail. But I want it to be because my design didn't work, not because I built it to fail.
  12. I could see this happening on a server with a number of people on it, where the zombie cap was already reached, so when you logged in it couldn't spawn any zombies near you. Though if the other players were killing zombies (definitely not guaranteed) I'd think you'd slowly get some to spawn.
  13. I was mostly referring to the set items and apparently having the bonus numbers randomized (though that was a long time ago they talked about that and I don't know if that's still the plan.) I was mostly thinking of farming for "perfect" items, which I suppose you can already do now to an extent. Diablo was mostly the first thing that came to mind where you can try and farm the same items over and over hoping for a better version to drop.
  14. Sure, and the tower defense is the primary reason I bought the game. I'd been following the game for years, and thought that if they ever added mechanical traps I'd buy it. They did, and I did. I actually hate first person shooters. But I'd like to have to make an effort to set up my killbox, instead of it being basically effortless. I want to be able to try different things without knowing that they'll work. That's the real killer to me, that the AI is so predictable I don't even have to test a base design to know if it will work. As for being able to survive any horde night in a wooden base, I'm not saying that's a base I would or do use, I'm just saying I could build a base to do it (knowing how to avoid rage mode and that there are blocks zombies will try and walk across that they just fall through.) And I'd certainly agree with your last point about a cube not being tower defense.
  15. Sure, but the number of people I've seen talk about spending hundreds of days in a single world probably numbers in the single digits. Most people seem to start over/quit once they've got top tier gear and an unassailable horde base, which doesn't take all that long unless you play very slowly. I too prefer the later days, and I don't expect any sort of MMO style end game (though from what I've read about the new armor sets, it looks like a Diablo-esque end game is going to be a thing.) I just wish there was some sort of challenge to the later part of the game beyond just me fiddling with aesthetics for hours on end.
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