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wizard puke

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wizard puke last won the day on December 17 2019

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  1. If you want to play a pirate fighting zombies and skeletons I have exciting news for you regarding 2 of the 5 total enemies in 2021 GOTY New World.
  2. Your gun is in your chin and renders through walls in almost every fps game but this is the thing that makes it unrealistic for you? 😋
  3. All hail Carmack, architect of the One True fps controller. May your addspeed always be ridiculous and your drop forever be 0.
  4. Turn everything to lowest except texture quality because 1/8 makes it impossible to read things. (EDIT: you can't really see barbed wire at 1/8 which is no bueno) Play in 720. In console (F1) when the game loads in type: "gfx af 0" (disable texture filtering) "gfx pp enable 0" (disable post processing) If you still can't get it to an acceptable framerate: "dt 0" (disables distant terrain -- last resort) You can also enter a launch option in your steam shortcut's path field to start without the friends list and store which brings the memory usage down. Disabling the steam overlay is helpful. Maybe disable the info gathering in the 7 days launcher. I had an integrated graphics card for like 5 years and this made it playable for me. The latest optimizations made a huge (relatively, 10 fps) difference as well.
  5. I have always assumed it was a weight lifting protein inside joke about eating vile @%$# for gains or somebody's grandma's signature dish from a dog-eared dust bowl era cookbook.
  6. I get the sentiment behind this but with the broken leg debuff the way it is the novelty of that would wear off very quickly for me.
  7. Half-baked solution: Keep rebar. Make it so it can't be crafted but can be purchased/rewarded. Anyone can upgrade rebar if they have concrete mix regardless of perks. Then if you skip the skills you're fine you just need to spend extra cash to buy concrete and frames. If you get the skill you don't need to buy the materials and can upgrade pre-existing structures saving you x per block. But then how do repairs work?...
  8. The meta then just becomes tiny wood pathing exploit platforms or what Roland said until you buy or find the schematic. You're talking about adding like 7(?) skill points by adding a 3 tiered skill. That's not a small change. Concrete is not optional like jumping an extra meter or increased harvesting yield. Also "I can't cook an egg! That's not realistic!" / "Yes! I finally got Master Builder! I'm going to fill my backpack up with so much concrete!" lol
  9. When you hit the regular, non-toggle crouch button it currently doesn't break out of a toggled crouch. I feel like changing that would improve the controls a little bit.
  10. Cards own because every two years when I remember they exist I sell all the ones I've accumulated and it's like bam free garbage hentai game E: I didn't sell my 7 days ones obv
  11. If you make a grid of tunnels leaving 2 x 2 columns between them you can see all of the blocks. If there's ore in a column knock it out and replace it with destroyed stone. You're only taking out 5/9 of the area but you can get all of the ore and nothing will collapse because there's never more than one block gap between supports to bedrock.
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