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PoppaTot last won the day on March 1 2019

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About PoppaTot

  • Birthday 01/07/1983

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    Single Dad, Twitch Streamer, YT content creator, gamer...

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Colony Founder

Colony Founder (11/15)



  1. Just FYI for those that need it. FRAG server hosting got back to me and added 21.1 back to the list if you want to be able to revert until 21.2 DF is ready.
  2. unfortunately the server will only go back to 20.8, or stay at 21.2. Most likely will just have to wait for the DF to update.
  3. This is what I get when I try to start a new server in the logs with the current build of DF: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at BiomePrefabExclusion.Patches_PrefabManager.GetPrefabWithDistrict+<>c.<Transpiler>b__0_1 (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] list, WorldGenerationEngineFinal.Township ts) [0x0001a] in <745f5265f5b9461295f83a7664c0c313>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition.<Transpiler>b__0_1(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<PrefabData>,WorldGenerationEngineFinal.Township) at (wrapper dynamic-method) WorldGenerationEngineFinal.PrefabManager.DMD<WorldGenerationEngineFinal.PrefabManager::GetPrefabWithDistrict>(WorldGenerationEngineFinal.District,POITags,int,Vector2i,Vector2i,bool,Vector2i,WorldGenerationEngineFinal.Township,single) at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.SpawnMarkerPartsAndPrefabs (PrefabData _parentPrefab, Vector3i _parentPosition, System.Int32 _parentRotations, System.Int32 _depth, System.Single totalDensityLeft) [0x002e9] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.spawnStreetTile (Vector2i tileMinPositionWorld, System.Boolean isHighwayTile, System.String streetPrefabName, System.Single totalDensityPointsLeft, System.Int32 baseRotations) [0x00160] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.SpawnPrefabs () [0x0008b] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.Township.SpawnPrefabs () [0x00041] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.TownPlanner+<SpawnPrefabs>d__2.MoveNext () [0x00085] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <799d47ea3fd1460380efad1aacedaf7c>:0
  4. If you are looking for it in more ways so you can make a chem station, you could always buy the chem station from the traders. Chem stations show up quite frequently in the traders in my experiences.
  5. Was talking to my in-server farmer about this last night. She said that she also has a surplus of raw food as well, and this after stocking two vending machines full of food and drinks.
  6. In my SP world I have just been living off the food crates, buying all the corn, eggs, and potatoes I can, and making meat stews. I don't even farm and still have plenty of food lol
  7. Our server farmer doesn't like the nerf, but she's still been able to make all the good foods and keep 2 vending machines stocked full with food and drinks, not to mention the tons of back up she has to keep stocking them. Mostly making meat stew, meat and potatoes, chowder. I buy her out every time she has spaghetti and some fish recipe. (can't remember the name lol)
  8. I will say in my 3 runs (SP and MP) of A20 I haven't found it to be that difficult to find good gear pretty early. Beakers, acid, weapons, ammo, it's all plentiful in my opinion. And when I want higher level/better stuff I just go to the snow or wasteland. It may be me getting lucky, but I haven't had much of an issue with stuff. I mean in my MP server (all vanilla) I have 2 chem stations, and around 20 acid with 6-7 beakers left over. Also, everyone has multiple chem stations, beakers and acid on the server. I haven't purchased a single chem station. I do buy any beaker and all acid I see at traders and have looted a many of them as well.
  9. That's plausible as well. I interpreted it the other way, but this makes sense as well. I still feel like it makes sense that it's only a matter of time until The Duke tries to muscle out the other currencies.
  10. hmm, I like this thought. Essentially The Duke buys up old currency to have a monopoly. I hadn't thought of that. Well done.
  11. Precursor: this doesn't actually bother me, I'm just curious. I was just thinking after raiding an ATM. What is the point of old cash in the game if we are just selling them for dukes? If old cash has a duke value then why is it not used as a currency itself still? EDIT: missed a word
  12. lmao, I felt it man. Gamers Unite haha
  13. Listen up Pimps! I like to poke fun that this game is "The Alpha that Never Ends", but honestly, I don't really care. Keep pumping out updates that I may, or may not, like. It used to bother me but then I sat back and thought: I paid $20 for a game that has given me almost thousands of hours of game-play and have never been charged for updates. Also, you made it so modders have easy access. I'll still have opinions, but I can always choose when stop/start playing too. Thanks for content, looking forward to more. PS: I like the the RNG
  14. I may be in the minority here, but I'm not looking for 7D to become an all out questing game. I rarely even do the trader quests. I'm not opposed to them, just would rather play scavenger style.
  15. I'm really enjoying it. I liked A16, played A17 and it was too linear after a bit. Just kill, level, perk build anything. It lost the appeal without the RNG for me. Didn't touch A18. Played at the very end of A19. A20 is great with the cities and RNG items. Really liking the new play-throughs.
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