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  1. Subquake I still love the mod and cant wait to get access to play it. Keep being awesome.
  2. That is so cool bro cant wait.
  3. So excited to get this bro. Cant wait as soon as its available im updating my player server.
  4. Really wish this was out. Quarantine sucks.
  5. Hi Subquake. How goes the mission? Hoping all is well.
  6. I know I almost feel like I am having withdraw.
  7. We still getting junk to take apart. I think all the added items is what really won me over with your mod.
  8. We still getting multiple engine types and crafting tables?
  9. So excited for this. 18 w undead will be an awesome game
  10. That is super awesome news my group has been real excited for the update ul with vehicles.
  11. Hello my friends how are things going? Do we have a test version yet for 18?
  12. Hope all is well. A wonderful new year to the ul community.
  13. Happy holidays my 7dtd friends
  14. Subquake don’t let anyone get you down. We know it’s a work of passion and we will be ready when your done.
  15. Actually I used it as a trapdoor for the vehicles to go underground. Works really well
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