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George Gordon

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  1. People cry about water, people cry about traders. It's almost like you don't even want to play this game, you don't even want progress and features. What's next, when Bandits are included and could potentially drop loot bags, it's too easy killing 60 bandits and maybe getting a weapon out of one of these 60 kills? If you guys don't like it don't play it.
  2. There already is such a thing, it's called "if you don't like it don't do it". What's next, removing traders all together so the only social interaction you have in a solo world is talking to a block of wood you called wilson? Some people already suggested that, good idea. Take the game back a few years and just scrap all the hard work for Traders, recording their title music and doing all the voice acting, very smart idea, that will surely make more people enjoy the game. If the elite players need to play hard then just don't do trader quests, lock in at your base like a hikikomori and never leave. The game already has a way to play without traders, its called play without traders. As people said that 'if you think the game is too hard, play something else", well. If you think the game is too easy because of traders, go play something else.
  3. Surely, when designing the "Loot to Learn" system, TFP realizes the current state of the abysmally bad loot system where finding Books, and especially certain books, is a task of impossibility? If a bookstore or a book retailer or storage only holds 5 useable book stands and the remainder, over 90% of them, rest are empty shelves, and most of the useable book shelves spawn only paper, then we have a severe problem with gimping the loot system too much to make the early game longer, and I think this is what is being sold here as revolutionary changes. All the changes done so far have been attempts to stretch the games "interesting period", that comes before most players fall into a bottomless pit of boredom, because they have seen everything, and the game wears off. I find it highly concerning that we are now butchering the skill system and most importantly, the crafting, even further, in a futile attempt to make the game "longer". It is nothing but artificial content creation, and nothing substantial. It is comparable to making the player require to read a book to just be able to use any item or weapon they find, so the players are forced to fist-fight for nearly 300 hours of play time, unable to use anything else. I am highly concerned by this system due to the sole fact that finding loot is terrible, and loot tables as well as chances are set up in such a way that one could think that the Developers don't even want you to play the game, as there has been people in early versions, when books were first introduced, who never found a book to make a Forge, in their long gaming sessions, some people never found books for vehicle or weapon parts. RNG and chance based loot in all honor, but it is unenjoyable to be subjected to a system where you are entirely dependant on a sub-par and terrible overall chance that you cannot do anything about unless you Mod the game. In contrast, this would remind one of classical RPG's like Diablo or Path of Exile, where the player makes a certain Build - only that the build requires a whole array of specific items, or it will not work. Such builds are always for the "rich" players, since you buy these items in those games. If those games had no buy system and thus you were up to the requirement to find these items: We would have a 7DTD situation, abysmal drop chances make you unable to play your build entirely, thus hindering from doing what you want to do. Only that in 7DTD, you have no alternative than to learn how to make a forge, workbench, cementmixer, weapons, etc. - whereas in the RPG's, you can switch your build or play a different character or type of skills. But as I said numerous times now, in 7DTD your survival and most importantly, your fun that you have while playing, depend on finding books. I personally think it is a step in the wrong direction if the system takes a shape of finding books, while under the influence of a hellishly bad loot system, but I am always open for surprises and look forward to the new Alpha release with excitement nonetheless. And if everything fails, modding is an option, but a sad option, as it is a sign of the desperation of the players trying to make the game the way it should be.
  4. The Pipe weapons for example, but also the AK47 and the Autoshotgun. I noticed these weapons have strange "tags" on them, a smiley with horns, a skull, the M60 has a heart with an arrow through. Is this some "tags" that were added to commemorate someone, maybe Streamers or someone else to give them a "trophy"? If this is the case, this is the worst decision they ever took. The aesthetics of the guns are completely ruined by the presence of random seeming Tags that are also coloured so brightly that they are an absolute nuisance. Since you can't apply Dyes, you can't even try to get rid of those tags. Prefer the old textures over that. And let's not talk about the overly bright and distractively coloured soda can suppressors for many weapons, including our boy MP5.
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